Canadian Credit Unions
Names and Brands for Canada’s Credit Unions
Over the years, we’ve worked with national and provincial credit unions.
Our earliest work involved naming and designing MemberCard, the first-ever debit card created for customers across Canada.
Once created, we helped extend the MemberCard designs to specific credit unions throughout the country.

Credential Securities
For the Canadian Credit Union Association, we designed a national promotional campaign. We also named and created the brand for their first securities investment division. After more than 20 years, Credential is still serving credit unions, associations and independent firms.
Merger of Two Separate Credit Unions
When Richmond Savings merged with another regional credit union, their advertising agency came to us to name and create the brand for the new entity.
After facilitating the brand foundation with the transition teams of both credit unions, there was overwhelming alignment with our recommended name — Coast Capital Savings.
In addition to creating the brand identity, we designed their corporate materials and first-ever annual report.

Millennial Digital Experience
Decades later we worked with Coast Capital on their customer digital experience, including building an educational mortgage and budget calculator.